Wouldn't it be better if you talked it out with close friends or - if you prefer - talk to friends over the internet via private messages/emails/notes/etc.?
What people need to understand is, while I myself am guilty of posting the odd journal or two that contain nothing but my own real life grievances, that most people don't really care. Why? Because they themselves have their OWN problems to deal with. I am all for hearing you out if you're my friend and come to me for assistance but to post something personal with limited information only tells me that you HOPE that I comment so that you may get attention or sympathy. Especially when I do sympathize and give advice that has - from own personal experiences - has indeed worked yet [said person(s)] continue to complain and claim that it has not "worked for them".
Either they have not tried it or they have not tried it and want to continue hearing hopeful pitying and support. I have come across people who do this quite frequently and to be perfectly honest it gets old very, VERY fast.
What I'm trying to get across is while I will frown your way from my computer screen, do not expect me to try and pity you and comfort you when you have displayed yourself as a needy attention-seeker.
It is very annoying.
Aside from my top rant, it is the wonderful year of 2012; supposed year of our inevitable demise.
I expect great things this year - including a hopeful visit to see a very, very close friend of mine in London *fingers crossed and winkwink* as well as ignored the advances of a young man.
Being an abrasive, single young woman I find myself at odds with wondering as to whether or not to pursue a relationship when we have quite a bit in common or choose to have my independence until the time is right when I do decide to put myself off the market. My friends tell me that we make quite a couple as he is quite the catch (according to everyone), but I suppose that my feelings should be taken into record; seeing that I don't really feel "my heart aflutter" or "the skin on my cheeks grow red with a girlish blush" I find it hard to believe that he could be a match for me.
Maybe I'm just boring, or I probably just don't know what I want in a man... yet.
I've given it some thought and I believe that my goals that I have seem to be in the way, but having someone that could support me on a more intimate and emotional level wouldn't be bad either. Given my attitude and personality, I may need a man like him to reel me in.
... later.
No rush with the man situation. And agreed with the ranting. Although having said that, I will probably have the occasional rant on my blog