And so the weekend has come to an end.
Everyone is going to go back to work or school or whatever it is they have, whilst I stay home and do my chores and watch my brother once he gets out of school himself.
.. and I have still completed NOTHING.
While I enjoy my "freedom", I do wish I had something to do other than work on projects and draw all day - not that this is a BAD thing, necessarily, I do enjoy excitement in my life. Speaking of excitement, I am hoping to be able to confirm a hopeful "secret trip" of my own to visit a friend sometime this week. Mother keeps putting it off, but as a mother I can "slightly" understand why.
Slightly being in parenthesis because I am nearly twenty - my birthday is coming up in just a few short months - and I'd like to think she could be able to trust I wouldn't try and burn down landmarks if I am able to go abroad.
But as a parent, I guess she can't help but worry about her child when she decides she wants to travel places unattended...
Aside from worrying about a hopeful holiday on my own time, I do worry that my need to procrastinate has hit it's worst. Not only have I not finished now very belated Christmas gifts and commissions, but they have been belated since last year. I find myself usually staring at a picture that is 87% near completion until I find the insatiable need to watch a movie or a video on Youtube. Not the wisest choice but I guess when you are an artist and have the attention span of a flea when your motivation is lagging then something must be wrong.
I've yet to pinpoint what it is, but I will overcome it with the power of
John Donne's poetry and novel work from a friend.
Television-wise, I've not watched TV in forever aside from anything on my computer, but I have found a wonderful show.
Gotta hand it to the BBC network, I am absolutely
Sherlock and Watson definitely have their bromance brewing in the finale. YOU CAN FEEL IIIIIT ♥ Especially on Watson's side, he's so cute when he defends Holmes.
I absolutely love Moriarty in the British television series
Sherlock; and they couldn't have picked an actor better for the role.
I must admit that I've never enjoyed a villain in a TV series in a very long time - so many potential antagonists end up being half-hearted or do not reach their full potential (ex. in the American TV series
Bones, who have had several but none of which I could enjoy fully because they didn't show as much "evilness"). The series finale literally had me in tears, mostly because I have
[a] come to adore Sherlock's character more than chocolate and
[b] I feared BBC would not permit another season, but sure enough my worries had not come to light because it has indeed been confirmed that there is a third season in the works. I believe it was very fitting; Holmes is indeed an arrogant, callous know-it-all who needed to be taken down a peg, but not fall off a hospital rooftop... but that's a crime drama for you!
Happy to see a fall like that won't stop Sherlock from living.
Thank you to Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss for creating this series and to my friend Samantha for showing me the wonderfulness that is the show.
Seriously, it's the best thing since buttered toast. Check it out ♥